Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Unlikely Combo

I was hungry but didn't have a specific dish in mind to prepare so I whipped this up for dinner. Gio's not big on shrimp so I threw in some pepperoni. They were surprisingly good together (shrimp & pepperoni). I cooked the organic carrots and mushrooms in 2-3 tablespoons of Chiavetta's Marinade, just enough to enhance the flavor. Other ingredients included in this dish were frozen organic spinach, one can organic ceci beans plus liquid, organic frozen peas, organic cauliflower, organic broccoli, organic black pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder (I think it's organic).
I recently made scrambled eggs with this marinade in them. It tasted good but I ended up having heartburn later in the day so I wont use it in eggs again.


dp said...

The shrimp and pepperoni looks really good!

Anonymous said...

I seldom to almost never have pepperoni...can I subtitute pepperoni with sausages?

imayme said...

Sure Roossy. It's really not a recipe just something I threw together.

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