Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Walk with Gio

Sometimes you just need to take time to stop to smell the roses.
The garage at Gio's school looks so pretty. After noticing how beautiful all the flowers looked on this particular day, Gio and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Many of the homes in this area have lovely gardens.
The sandbox
At Gio's school there are four chickens. Sometimes the children take one out and carry it around.
We spotted two of these gates on our walk. Under each little bird was a little bell.
Gio led me right here and even smiled when I took his pic.
Pink Poppies
White Peony
Peach Rose

A beautiful and aromatic peony

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Celulators At The Lilac Festival

This is me and my teamates. We are in a contest to loose weight at the gym. We went to the Lilac Festival to get a workout in and some fun for the kids too. UPDATE: We finished in 5th place. I am happy to have finished in the top 10.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Planting Time

There were three sizes of yellow bins. One size was empty, one had the little pellets, and one had the seed.
Checkin' out the tractor.
unknown soil additive, They were like little pellets.
GMO also known as Roundup Ready corn seed.
Walking through the field.

Just checking out the scenery.


I just set this package of broccolini down and Breetz asks me if he can have some ....sure. The nest thing I knew he had eaten the tops of several of them.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sheep Farm

... on a rainy day.
There was lots...
...and lots of mud. At one point most of the kinds were slushing around in an ankle deep pool of rain water and feces in the middle of the fenced in area. That's just fun on a farm for little ones. My aunt once told me her and my father used to throw cow flops (poop) at each other all the time.
I don't think this little girl was aware that she had the attention of all the horses as she bent over to pull up some grass.
carrying a lamb
Gio pets a sheep.
The farmer

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