Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day!

There are so many things you can do to be kind to the Earth. Here are 10 things that we do:

1. When we go out to eat fast food if we are finished with our meal and there are still napkins left we don't throw them away. We take them home and use them.
2. We do not use a clothes dryer. We hang our laundry outside whenever possible or we hang it inside on racks.
3. Just about half the lights in our house are either compact fluorescent or fluorescent. In multiple bulb fixtures we use half and half.
4. We do not use chemicals on our lawn. We have never watered it and it does not turn brown. Weeds have a long tap root and grass has very shallow roots so the weeds stay green in the hot weather.
5. We eat organically when ever possible. Most crops are sprayed with chemicals. Sometimes the field is sprayed before the seeds are planted to kill off any other living plant that was in the field. I know this is true because I have seen it with my own eyes.
6. We reuse plastic bags for garbage and to carry all sorts of things. I was recently told that if you know you will be walking in a muddy area you can cover your shoes with them.
7. A mulch saving idea I have used in the past is to place several sheets of news paper under the mulch. The paper will decompose and you will not have to mulch as often.
8. I try to keep no more than 3 lights on in the house at any one time. I used to be very good at this. I have been slacking off and need to work on it some more.
9. We either compost all of our food scraps (except bones) or we feed them to the chickens.
10. We reuse plastic containers. They are great for leftovers.

Please leave a comment and share what you do to live lightly today for a brighter tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


Most of the time, I try to bring my own bag to bag my groceries. We also use energy saving lights at our house. We recycle papers and plastics bottle. I tried to not send any paper greetings cards, instead I use e-cards and we always try to buy organic fruits.
I hope we can try to be as "green" as possible.

imayme said...

I have a whole cupboard full of paper bags. Joe says, "Why do you keep all these??" "I'm going to take them to the store and reuse them" I say. But I can never seem to remember them. There was a time when I had several paper bags in the car and I would remember them when I was putting my bagged groceries in the car. I have a cloth bag that zips into a small rectangle. I used to keep it in my purse to use for groceries but I have never used it. I always forget. Any suggestions for remembering???

Anonymous said...

Well, I usually put my grocery bag in the car in the trunk. But if I know I will forget to bring it, I'll put it in the front seat and keep reminding myself that I have to bring the grocery bag to shop.
or if you shop with Joe and forget to bring the grocery bag before you paid your groceries, you can ask him to get the bag from car. It happens to me often so I just have to ask Amos to get the bag from the car or keep reminding myself, I have to use my own bag.

dp said...

I recycle my news papers and shredded documents.

my house is only one bedroom with one main room, so keeping minimal lights on is pretty easy. Next time I buy light bulbs, I'm getting the compact fluorescents. I use one in a table lamp right now.

In Texas we use our air conditioners a lot, but so far this year, I haven't used it much. I open the windows when I get home.

imayme said...

That's great! I tend to use the backs of envelopes from junk mail or bills when I make lists. I have heard You mentioned mowing a lot in your blog. Do you have a big yard? I have seen people who have sidewalks plant wild flowers in the space between the sidewalk and the road. As long as the plants are perennials (come up every year), that area would be pretty much maitenance free. Have you ever seen that done before?

dp said...

I do that with envelopes too. Forgot about that.

I've never seen that done with perennials. My place is considered rural compared to most and the grass is mostly weeds. I usually cut it as short as I can, and I don't water it.

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