Thursday, March 15, 2007

"YYYyyaaaaa Wwhhoooooo I'm going for a walk today!!!"
"Mom, Dad, you've just gotta see this. The snow, it's melting! ...and the birds, they're singing. Spring is here!!"

Yesterday was one of those days one savors after a cold winter. I was inspired by the weather and dressed Gio in one of his new summer shirts. He held this pose for all of about 2 seconds. Yes, this shot was pure luck.
We went for a walk and it was wonderful. The birds were singing, the geese were honking, the sun was shining and we were excited to be out enjoying it.
Gio's new thing is trucks. His little eagle eyes spot anything with wheels and we are sure to hear the word truck. He even walks backwards to keep an eye on them as we pass them in driveways. It is such a joy to see things through his eyes. A flock of birds flew up and I pointed them out to him. Well when we got home and looked out the window he spotted one landing on a wire and pointed it out to me.
The thermometer read 59.2 degrees at 7pm!

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