Friday, August 22, 2008

Increase In Vocabularies

Breetz vocabulary has increased just this afternoon he said, "duck" for the first time. He now also says ni nite, bye bye, upa, down, more, tickle tickle tickle and on. Gio has gotten him to say other things like car but they just haven't stuck.

Gio is picking up new words and phrases all the time. He remembers EVERYTHING!

Last night the moon was very bright and redish. "Oh the moon is beautiful. Gio come see." I said. Tonight he looks out his bedroom window and says something like "Oh look, the moon is just beautiful."

Gio has also started playing with words. He will take a word and change it slightly then try using it that way. Sometimes he tries it out on me. Other times he just repeats it to himself over and over usually in a sing songy sort of way. Sometimes the word changes more and more as he continues to repeat it. Then he may say something like "Mama what did I just say?"

The boys also go back and forth repeating sounds to each other. They both seem to enjoy this activity.

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