Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Predator & Prey

I noticed this spider one night when I was bringing in groceries. I was taking pictures of it when I disturbed a moth who flew up toward the light and fluttered all around it. It seemed to fly right through the web. Eventually it was caught. It desperately flapped it's wings to get free. the spider was very brave, darting in to spin then darting back out again. Notice there is another smaller thinner spider very close by. He 'sits' above watching everything happen.
These photos were taken in order.
Eventually the moth freed itself and fluttered around the light for a few seconds before landing on it.
It stayed there, resting.Then a fly landed near by. preditor


Anonymous said...

wow, how long did you wait for the moth to free itself?
Btw, thanks for the card and the photo.

imayme said...

To tell you the truth I don't know exactly but I was clicking pics. pretty regularly. From the first pic. to the last was oh, anywhere from 10 mins. to 1/2 hr. I'd say.

dp said...

I have some pictures of a grasshopper caught in a web of a bigger spider. I believe the smaller spider who sits there, is the male and the larger spider is the female.
in my pics, the first spider is the male. the second is the female with her prey. scroll past the toad to see more pics.

imayme said...

Cool pics.

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