My two sons are the lights of my life. I love watching them grow and learn. It's fun documenting our lives together here to share with friends and family.
How cool is it to have a parade of balloons float right by and over your house???? I can tell you from experience it is VERY cool :)!
The pics. I took of the balloons in the back yard don't have much detail because the sun is behind the balloons but here are some shots of them across the street.
Gio waved excitedly as balloon after balloon passed overhead and someone even waved back and said "Hi!" He still waves to the display ones hanging in store windows in town.
Most floated by quite low. We could see the people inside and in some cases see what color shirt they were wearing.
After all the balloons had passed over our house we decided to chase them. I was pretty sure they were landing on the next hill and sure enough they were.
I drove to the end of the road and turned right to discover the road littered with vehicles on both sides. They were by no means neatly parked as you might think by this photo. There was room for one vehicle to go down the road at a time and I couldn't find a place to park. Turning around was obviously out of the question. Balloons in various stages of coming down were in fields on both sides. There were so many people walking and or sitting around. Some were even relaxing in folding chairs. It looked like the tail end of a fair or carnival or something.
I can only imagine how beautiful our area must look from above.
I thought the spacing of these three balloons was neat.
that must be very relaxing day watching baloon parade huh? I love to see though. Big hug to Gio:)
Hug to Nathan :).
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