My two sons are the lights of my life. I love watching them grow and learn. It's fun documenting our lives together here to share with friends and family.
Three sisters. From left to right, Aunt Peggy (my great aunt, Gio's great great aunt), Aunt Doris (also my great and Gio's great great), Grandma (Gio's great). Aunt Peggy and Uncle Ronny have a new summer home. They invited Gio and I out to spend the day.
It must be so cool to be a Great Aunt or Grandmother. When your the mother you have to be the parent, when your the grandmother or aunt your still kind of a mentor, but when your a great you can really enjoy children. Aunt Doris went right out to see Gio when he should've been napping :>).
Gio and Aunt doris get along swimmingly.
Enjoying their time together.
Once Gio discovered their was a tractor in this book he just couldn't get enough of it.
Here's Aunt Peggy whipping up dinner.
Their property is located on a windy somewhat overgrown dirt road. There are trees on eitherside of them but you can see the neighbor's yards through them.
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