Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thanks To Amos And Roossy

Both Roossy and Amos exercise every day. When they came to visit Roossy and I went for walks in the morning and we all went for a walk in the evening. I am so glad because now I am walking again. Fancy and I used to walk three to five times a week then when the baby came we walked on nice days but eventually I found many excuses and stopped. Since they left I have walked everyday but one. I have also stretched out every day but one. I forgot how good I feel when I walk. I love being out in nature and watching all the things going on around me that most people are just too busy to notice. I would also like to mention that when I used to walk with Fancy, she would decide when we walked and when we stopped so she could sniff something. Now we just walk, stopping only when she needs to relieve herself. We got Gio a wagon for his Birthday that makes it possible for the four of us to go for walks too. Gio is more than happy to ride in it and we don't end up carrying him most of the time during the walk.


Anonymous said...

I am glad we inspired you to exercise. When you visit us in Erie, we'll go walk around the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

keep up the great work mom

imayme said...

Sounds like fun.

Thanks Mom :).

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