Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Visit To Wegmans

After a delicious dinner at Wegman's Market Cafe, Gio suggested we enjoy some gelato. There was a cute chick cupcake display in the bakery section. The chicks looked like the two pictured above. There was one per clear box. As you walked by you could hear chicks peeping.
Gio liked the pumpkin, raspberry, and chocolate flavors.
Breetz's favorite was the pumpkin.
Wegmans has some of the coolest signs.
We decided that the boys should pick out gifts for their grandparents this year. These were Gio's choices until he saw Nabisco cheese crackers. "Abuelo likes these!!" he proclaimed excitedly.

Breetz holding the goldfish mix-ups he got for his grandparent's Easter present.
"Mom can we have a cookie p a l e e s z? They're right here."
"Ah coookies"

"Ah coookies"

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