Friday, April 17, 2009

Coloring Eggs

Breetz had a great time coloring eggs. He really liked the tool for getting the eggs out.Anyone who knows me knows I'm against artificial colors. I really don't think they are healthy or needed. However I am not anal about it. I also don't want to deprive my children of experiences. So when Breetz started coloring his face and hands with egg dye I chalked it up to a childhood experience. I hope next year to use natural dyes. I recently attended a workshop where turmeric was used to dye wool yellow.
Gio really enjoyed coloring eggs this year.
He asked about what was inside the egg.
He peeled off the shell and was so proud of himself.
Discovering the white and the yolk.
He did this twice. I think because he wanted to be sure each egg was the same. This past year he received a plastic egg every morning. Most days it was filled with a combination of fruit and nuts but every now and then there was a sweet in it.
Picking out stickers. Gio put one on the top of each egg. I pictured him covering them in stickers but he didn't.


Anonymous said...
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Roossy Tirta said...

Amie, Amanda colored eggs with Nathan a week ago. They enjoyed ( I think) putting stickers on the eggs than coloring the eggs...:)
I don't have their pictures as Dwi was the one who took the pictures. You can visit her blog at

imayme said...

The boys like stickers too ;).

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