Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt For Families With Children Adopted From Guatemala

To raise money for the next event they had everyone donate a toy and then you could pay five dollars and get a new one. Gio found the one and only Bob Builder one right away.

Breetz taking his work very seriously.

Gio loves peeling the backs off of stickers. Last year that's all he wanted to do at the craft table. This year he also enjoyed placing them on the paper.
The Easter Bunny stopped by for a visit and handed out baskets full of (plastic) eggs.
Mom's cupcake sandwich.

Breetz would get an egg out of the basket, hand it to me and happily say "cannay" (candy)

They gave Gio some leftover donut holes and he just loved carrying the container around. Breetz looked so cute with his backwards fire hat.

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