Thursday, June 28, 2007

I Have A Rose Bush??

I looked out the window one day and happened to notice that in a corner of the yard in amongst the weeds there were big pink flowers. When I, several days later, got out there one evening with the camera, I discovered they were roses. There were never roses there before.

When we went to buy our raspberry plants the woman at the counter told me she never planted blackberries anywhere in her yard and that the seeds had been deposited by birds (in their droppings). Could this rose bush have originated from bird droppings? Do birds eat roses or rose hips? If not what animal does?

I don't know but I had just recently been telling my Mom that I would like a rose bush. She has two very beautiful fragrant pink rose bushes in her yard. One year I even made rose water from them. My newly discovered roses however are not very fragrant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are very lucky! can you teach me how to make rose water. Dwi has lots of roses, I can take some of them and make them into rose water...

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