My two sons are the lights of my life. I love watching them grow and learn. It's fun documenting our lives together here to share with friends and family.
I went outside the morning after the storm to photograph the beautiful clouds in the sunny sky. Then I thought, "I should probably try to get a better picture of that broody hen. Well I woke her up and she got agitated and slowly started to move off the nest growling at me. (Yes, chickens do make a sort of growling sound as a kind of warning to get away.) Then out came a few chicks.
She has a total of eight. One egg did not hatch. You can tell in this photo that they are day old chicks because the feathers have not started to grow on their wings yet. In this photo she has just finished scratching and is now looking for bugs.
Here they are following her.
They are so tiny. I was afraid she might try to take them into the coop so they could eat and drink. If she did they would surly be injured because they are much too small to get down the steps let alone up. I would estimate they are about an inch or so tall. So I set out a chick waterer and Gio and I ran to the store to get some chick starter. Here they are eating.
This picture of my favorite full size rooster just slipped in when I was trying to upload pics of our newest additions. I would also like to mention that on the way to the store I noticed a farmer cutting down the "grass" for hay. As we passed on the way back I noticed he had stopped about halfway through and the equipment was gone. Then out of the tall grass popped a sheepish little fawn. Could this fawn have just been born?
After all had settled down I took a few more photos of the clouds. What an awesome day.
We get organic, free range, fresh, eggs every day. Production goes down in the winter because there is less sun light. I've heard chickens are the easiest farm animals to raise. They are so much fun to watch. Gio loves to watch the chickens out the kitchen window. I will have to get back to you on our current number. We used to have about 30 but a waesel (we surmise) got in and killed a lot of them.
neat! I've never spent much time around farm animals. I guess you get fresh eggs...?
How many chicken do you have now? Does Gio like to play with the chickens?
We get organic, free range, fresh, eggs every day. Production goes down in the winter because there is less sun light. I've heard chickens are the easiest farm animals to raise. They are so much fun to watch. Gio loves to watch the chickens out the kitchen window. I will have to get back to you on our current number. We used to have about 30 but a waesel (we surmise) got in and killed a lot of them.
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