Monday, May 14, 2007

3 Small Gifts

For Mother's Day I received Three small gifts. The first came during breakfast. I just couldn't wait to give my Mom her Mother's Day gifts. After I opened mine she said "Well, I guess I'll give you mine now too." I really wasn't expecting anything. She handed me a small card. "Hmmm?!?" I thought. I opened it and to my surprise it was a gift card to a local clothing store. I haven't bought new clothes in quite some time. Most of the clothes I buy are "new to me" clothes. I look forward to the treat of shopping for new clothes. Which brings me to my second small gift.

We ended up buying cold cuts, bread, lettuce, and cucumbers for lunch (of course we bought other stuff too). While Mom and I brought the bags in the house Bob gave me what I like to call a mini vacation. Ahhh, they're GREAT! Stay at home Moms really don't get any breaks during their work day. Where is Gio and what is he doing are two questions I ask myself everyday more times than I can count. Every once in awhile my parents or my husband will watch him for a few minutes to a few hours so I can get some me time. Many times my mini vacations are unexpected, like this one, and those are the best.

After dinner which consisted of pizza, wings, and cannolis for dessert I received my third small gift. Joe gave Gio a fairly large gift bag to bring to me. I looked inside to find a small black box. I opened it to find a beautiful blue topaz and white gold ring.

Wow, what a lucky Mom I am to have received three gifts that while physically small were packed with large amounts of love which makes them incredibly special. It's not the size of the present or how much money was spent on it that makes the gift great.


Anonymous said...


Happy Belated mother's day. I am so happy to read that you had a great mother's day and nice gifts from your family...
Small gifts that are given with love is more than any expensive gifts.

imayme said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day to you too :>)

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