Shrimp And Bean Sprouts
We went to Lee's Chinese Grocery yesterday to get some agar agar. While shopping I noticed two boxes of fresh beautiful bean sprouts. Now when I buy beans sprouts they are usually about two dollars for a package about the size of a baggy. These were under a dollar a pound! What a deal. I bought a pound. "What am I going to do with a whole pound of bean sprouts?" I wondered, "...Ask Roossy." She gave me this recipe. The only changes I made were lemon pepper instead of just pepper and I added some radish sprouts I had. I served it. Tasted it and thought, "This is O.K. but needs some spice." I open a new jar of hot oil. I have never tried this brand before. The ingredients listed peanuts. I just assumed they would be powdered or peanut oil or something like that. Well, there are actual whole peanuts in it. It went perfectly with the dish. Another healthy and delicious recipe from my good friend. Thanks Roossy.
Amie, your dish looks so delicious. Did you use fresh or cooked shrimps? They look so yummy. I love the hot chili sauce too, and yup, it's perfect with the beansprout dish...
Thanks. They are frozen precooked shrimp from Wegmans so it made preparing this dish really quick and easy.
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