Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Clifford Visits The Children's Museum

In the box to the right of Breetz is a truck behind Plexiglas. He was very upset because he couldn't get to it.
Just before we left the Clifford area who should walk by but Clifford himself. Breetz went right up to him. Gio on the other hand was apprehensive.
Sharing the steering wheel.
Gio enjoyed the Clifford slide.
Gio the musician.
Breetz played with nothing else after he found this hoe. He was as happy as can be to just walk around and push it. Other parents were amazed that it kept his interest for so long. He even wanted to take it with him when we left the Clifford room.
Children could walk in this giant feed dish, pick up a bone, slide it down the bone slide then wind it back up the slide and into the bowl.

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