Monday, June 30, 2008

Yum Yum Dim Sum

The Shanghai Restaurant (link) offers dim sum on Sundays. We order most of our food off the cold cart pictured here. The veteran staff always remember us. It's so fun to pick and choose different items.
Gio using a chopstick to pick up his slice of scallion pancake.
Here we are enjoying all the delicious dishes we chose.
Way cute smile
Yum. Breetz enjoyed all the food he tried. He really is a good eater. I think both he and Gio enjoyed the agar agar the most.
Way cute baby

Strawberry Picking '08

"Another strawberry please." Gio has been talking about going strawberry picking for many months now. Both he and Breetz thourly enjoyed themselves. I must admit the adults had fun too.
The boys started gobbling up strawberries almost as soon as we were in the field.

There was a covered picnic area (upper left).
The space between the rows was mulched with hay ...nice:).
Check out Gio's shorts. He had sooo much strawberry juice on them that they matched his shirt.
Berries, berries, everywhere
The berries were sooo juicy that the juice just ran down the boy's arms as they ate them.

"What?? We're not done picking strawberries, are we?"

2 Boys + Fire Trucks + Grandparents = Fun

The boys & I marched in a kiddie parade Wednesday. Across the street was a firehouse. There were several men outside when we finished and Mom decided we should take the boys over and ask if we could show them the fire trucks.
Gio was fascinated by all the knobs and such. Abuelo showed him this stuff as he is definitely a knobs and dials sort of guy.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

On Dad's Lap

He holds a train and smiles.
Breetz looks up to his Dad.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Visit Great Grandma Reddy

Gio loves to play her organ. He refers to it as her piano. Here's Breetz tickling a few ivories too.
GGR always has some sort of snack for us when we visit.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Visit to A Dairy Farm

"Hello there."
Cute calf
Both boys looking at the same calf at the same time. (Not an easy thing to capture.)

Gio & a friend from playgroup.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Sometimes when the lighting is just right one of the boys will get a twinkle in their eyes. The other day when Breetz was just about finished eating I noticed it. I got one smiling pic. out of it before he had had enough.
Ma-om, enough pictures already. Just clean me up and get me down.
"Breetz, smile for Ma ma."

"I can't hear you. I'm plugging my ears."

Mom's Rain Kissed Roses

I ran out to the car in the rain to grab the camera. The rain stopped, I looked to my right, and there were Mom's roses as beautiful as ever. How could I resist?

It started raining again on the way in the house.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Stream That Runs Through Babcock Park

After playing on the playground for awhile, Gio & I decided to wet out feet in the stream.
Breetz feels the flowing water.
View of the stream
The park was very clean. This was the only litter we saw but any litter is sad. I am proud to live in such a beautiful country. One of the ways I show this is by recycling and putting trash in it's proper place.

We walked part of the paved path.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Basil ????? Park

Little fellow dressed in yellow.
... and forth

Breetz on swing.

Breetz loves the swing. He laughs and smiles.

Uncle Ryan Pops In For A Visit

Uncle Ryan in his way cool riding jacket. He is very informed when it comes to saftey and told us his jacket had basically no protection in front because a person will never land on their chest if they fall off their motorcycle.
Gio drives the mower "aw by mysef".
Uncle Ryan is into things with wheels just like Gio. Gio was excited to get on his motorcycle until he saw it up close. He still wanted to get on it. I don't think he expected it to be so big. He has only seen them from a distance.

Clifford Visits The Children's Museum

In the box to the right of Breetz is a truck behind Plexiglas. He was very upset because he couldn't get to it.
Just before we left the Clifford area who should walk by but Clifford himself. Breetz went right up to him. Gio on the other hand was apprehensive.
Sharing the steering wheel.
Gio enjoyed the Clifford slide.
Gio the musician.
Breetz played with nothing else after he found this hoe. He was as happy as can be to just walk around and push it. Other parents were amazed that it kept his interest for so long. He even wanted to take it with him when we left the Clifford room.
Children could walk in this giant feed dish, pick up a bone, slide it down the bone slide then wind it back up the slide and into the bowl.

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