Trucks, Trucks, Trucks
We went to TSC (Tractor Supply Company). They have a separate room where they display their mini bikes, go cart type vehicles, overflow mowers, and such. Gio absolutely loves climbing on and off them. We looked at all the toys they have set out for the Christmas season (most of they being farm related). I got Gio the yellow/orange truck for his Christmas stocking, thinking he would play with it for awhile then forget about it. No such luck. He played with it on the way home and played with it for hours after we got home. "Poop up. Poop nown. (Scoop up. Scoop down.) Nun (one), two, kucks." he'd say. So he went and played on "trucks", wore his "truck" shirt and sneakers and played with trucks all evening. What more could a little boy who loves "trucks" ask for???
Gio really likes trucks...:)
You can say that again :).
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