My two sons are the lights of my life. I love watching them grow and learn. It's fun documenting our lives together here to share with friends and family.
I have bought a lot of books at thrift stores in the past week or so. All of the ones for Gio were 99 cents or less. We ended up bringing some of his "old" ones to Grandma and Abuelo's house. Gio looks at a lot of books lately between looking at them during potty time and having them read to him before bed.
Some of the books I bought are too advanced for him right now but they looked interesting and were such a good deal.
Gio liked the center book titled Things That Go so much, he carried it in the car to and from church today. He is still really into anything with wheels.
Amanda loves dr. Seuss books. I bought most of dr.Seuss books from Salvation Army and Half price bookstore. If you plan to come to Erie, I will bring you to the Salvation Army at Peach st. They have a big collection of books and they are very cheap, 3 books for $ 1. Btw, the library in Erie is going to have a book fair either in May/June, they usually have good and cheap children books.
Amanda loves dr. Seuss books. I bought most of dr.Seuss books from Salvation Army and Half price bookstore. If you plan to come to Erie, I will bring you to the Salvation Army at Peach st. They have a big collection of books and they are very cheap, 3 books for $ 1.
Btw, the library in Erie is going to have a book fair either in May/June, they usually have good and cheap children books.
Wow! The cheapest I get books at the Salvation army is 39 cents. Shopping for childrens books with you sounds like a lot of fun :>).
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