Sunday, August 24, 2008

Driving Home From The Library We Saw...

A path that divided a field and lead to a big pond off in the distance.
A red barn and silo
A beautiful blue sky filled with puffy clouds.
Rolling field


They did some harvesting in the back field and Gio was very exited about seeing a combine
outside his window.

Apple Sausage & Eggs

Wegmans sells apple sausage. I decided to try it. I scrambled some eggs up with the sausage, corn, onions, and parsley. It was really good, reminded me of my Grandma's home cookin'.

Walking Home


A Visit to...

Bear teeterer
Seagull sunning.
Can all geese bend their necks like the one sitting down?
Goose Relaxing
The park has beautiful gardens.
View of the lake from the gardens.
at the flag pole.

Breetz On Nana's Lap

Looking at a book together.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Increase In Vocabularies

Breetz vocabulary has increased just this afternoon he said, "duck" for the first time. He now also says ni nite, bye bye, upa, down, more, tickle tickle tickle and on. Gio has gotten him to say other things like car but they just haven't stuck.

Gio is picking up new words and phrases all the time. He remembers EVERYTHING!

Last night the moon was very bright and redish. "Oh the moon is beautiful. Gio come see." I said. Tonight he looks out his bedroom window and says something like "Oh look, the moon is just beautiful."

Gio has also started playing with words. He will take a word and change it slightly then try using it that way. Sometimes he tries it out on me. Other times he just repeats it to himself over and over usually in a sing songy sort of way. Sometimes the word changes more and more as he continues to repeat it. Then he may say something like "Mama what did I just say?"

The boys also go back and forth repeating sounds to each other. They both seem to enjoy this activity.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Gio is obsessed with trucks with scoops on them driven by farmers or "scruction" workers.

A Visit To...

Please click here for their website.
This very nice man had feathers in the shape of an owl's face on the back of his costume. It's hard to see but he actually has an owl perched on his left hand.
If you gave this bird a dollar he would put it in a black box. This was a fun way to give to a great cause. I give Hawk Creek a lot of credit because the do not receive any government funding and all the "staff" are volunteers.
This young lady had some kind of bird of prey. I don't recall the name.
Most of the Renaissance costumes we saw were soo gorgeous. I especially liked the back of this one. It flowed so beautifully.
There was a tent that painted henna tattoos for $5. It's hard to see in the picture but it had sparkles on it.
One of the belly dancers just couldn't get enough of Breetz. She just thought he was the cutest and I have to agree:-).

Happily walking around carrying a henna reference book.
Every few hours there was a play that took place called The Fractured Fairytale. We tried to see it but there wasn't enough seating, we had to watch in the hot sun, and most importantly the boy's attention span was just too short.
Looking high and low for the snake.
A loud gun shot like sound boomed through the air and this Andean Condor got all bent out of shape.
Sunning himself
"Dude let me outa here!!"
" Can I brush you?"

"I saw you at Springdale Farm."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

His Wheels Are Always Turning

Gio is always thinking. Gio is very into drumming lately. We went to a few parades this summer, and among other things, we pointed out the marching bands.
He now wears underwear all day and wears a pullup at night (he naps in underwear). Well, he still needs to work on pulling up his underwear and pants sooo I usually tell him "Let me fix the waistband." The other day he asks me, "Moma who plays the drums in the waist band?"
What a cutie!

Monday, August 11, 2008

On The Road

Corn field
Yes, we are free compaired to other countries and I am thankful for that but I believe that food should be labeled so we know if any of the food we are consuming has been genetically modified in any way.
I am thankful to be protected by the brave people who serve in our armed forces and I thank them for protecting the freedoms we enjoy.
Old fashioned signs on a garage in Nunda.
Headed down the hill to Dansville on an overcast day.

On the drive down this road there are beautiful views of Dansville however few people do it very often because the road is so steep and curvey that it will wear out ones breaks very quickly. This is a pick going up the road.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sticky Lips

We recently went to Sticky Lips for dinner and discovered they have what should be award winning nachos. Who knew a BBQ place would have fantastic nachos???
Gio loves to visit the pigs in the garden. He talks to them...

...and pets and hugs them.

Baby Bunny Spotted In The Backyard

Just Like His Big Brother

Sometimes I catch Breetz quitely looking at books just like his brother.

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